Sunday, May 21, 2006

Life Must Be Tough for Dominic Purcell

I ran across this today and had to share.
Dominic Purcell is the actor that play Lincoln Burrows on Prinson Break.
May 19, 2006

Prison Break star Dominic Purcell says his wife hates him talking in an American accent.

The actor - who was born in London but grew up in Australia - has revealed it would even cause them to having blazing rows at home.

He confessed: "She is Australian too and me speaking with an American accent at first was hard for her. She looked at me like, "You f**king idiot."

"She didn't mind it because she understood why I had to do it. But when we got into fights and arguments it just gave her so much ammunition.
"Speak to me in Australian!"

"But now she's OK with it. It's no problem."

And It gets better:

When people recognize you in the street, what do they say to you?

In general, people are sweet and cool about it. This guy said, “Thanks for entertaining me.” I thought that was cool. Some people go nuts and ballistic and they freak out. Airports are a trip. If I am walking in the airport and stop to have coffee, people freeze, look at you and freak out!

When I went to Wal-Mart to do the weekly grocery shopping, and this lady behind the counter just started screaming her head off like someone was robbing her.

And before I knew it, two security guards came from nowhere and pinned me and dragged with me saying, “What’s going on?”

Then She said, “No, no, no. He’s the guy from Prison Break.”

And the guards were like, “Oh yeah, can we take a photo?”

It can get weird.


Granny said...

My hero, Jerry Ohrbach from Law and Order, was so well known in New York that even police would stop him on the street - just to chat.

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Ann,

That really nice! He looks like a nice guy, but I wondered if he minded, or if he really appriciated it.

It can be tough being a celebrity, like Dominic Purcell when he got grabed by the security men at Wal-mart he did have the shaved head he was sporting from the show. So he is either getting yelled at by his wife for speaking "American", then when he's out and about he dosn't now if he is gonna be asked to sign a autograph, or get arrested.

Lady Jan~

Granny said...

He loved it. According to what I read, everyone knew of course that he was an actor playing a part but for them, he was the perfect New York cop.

I don't cry over celebrities as a rule but when I heard about his death (on line of course), I was sitting here with tears in my eyes.

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Ann,

Aw, I'm sorry you must of really liked him. And I think the show hasn't been the same since he passed.

I cryed when Jim Henson died on my birthday 5-16-90, and I really like him and his muppets. And the muppets weren't the same with out him.

Lady Jan~