Monday, May 22, 2006

E-mail on Global warming

Hi Janice,

Global warming is real and it is happening now. Given California's
contribution to this problem -- we are the 12th largest source of global
warming pollution in the world -- immediate action at the state level
will have a significant impact on this global problem.

Send a message today to both your state senator and assemblymember,
asking them to co-author the California Global Warming Solutions Act of
2006, AB 32 (Pavley & Nunez). Then ask your friends and family to help by
forwarding this e-mail to them.

To take action, click on this link or paste it into your web browser:


Global warming is one of California's greatest and most urgent
environmental problems. From diminished snowpack in the Sierra Nevada to rising
sea levels, the ominous threats of global warming are cause for
immediate action.

The pathway to stopping global warming is straight forward: cut the
amount of global warming pollution emitted by automobiles, power plants,
and the other major sources in half. In fact, according to CalEPA,
California can reasonably cut its global warming pollution by 25 percent by
2020 and 75-80 percent by 2050. These are the reduction levels
scientists believe are needed to stop global warming.

Given California's size and political clout, the state can provide
leadership on an issue that has very few champions at the federal level.
We've done it before. Most recently, we did it with the Million Solar
Roofs Initiative, taking a solid step toward making California the world
leader in solar power. (Read more about our Million Solar Roofs campaign
We've also done it before on global warming, passing the nation's first
ever law cleaning up cars and trucks.

The bottom-line is: using our size and economic power, California can
be a leading innovator, investor and champion of far-reaching solutions
to some of the world's most pressing problems. Doing so will directly
benefit the state. That's because the solutions to global warming,
such as energy efficiency, solar and wind power, and cleaner cars, will
help bring a more stable economy, more local jobs and greater energy
independence. The sooner we shift away from depending on fossil fuels, the
less vulnerable we are to not only the impacts of global warming but to
limited oil and gas supplies and market manipulation.

A number of California's top decision makers have begun speaking out in
favor of addressing global warming. The most notable of these is Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yet, while the governor's promise to stop global
warming is impressive, his commitment to following through with new and
effective policies, in the face of well-heeled opposition, has yet to
be tested.

Meanwhile, leaders in California's state Legislature have stepped
forward to put the governor's global warming goals into lawby introducing
the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32). Co-authored
by Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and Assembly member Fran Pavley, the
bill would:

1.Place in statute, and therefore put "teeth" behind the governor's
goal of reducing global warming pollution 25 percent by 2020. In other
words, it would become the law of the state to dramatically reduce global
warming pollution over the next decade.

2.Direct and authorize CalEPA to develop regulations tough enough to
actually achieve these pollution reduction goals by going after the
state's biggest polluters. Today, global warming pollution is totally
unregulated at refineries, power plants and other major industries. This bill
would change that, requiring industry and other big polluters to clean
up and be part of the solution to global warming.

3.The bill would require that all major sources of global warming
pollution begin mandatory reporting of their emissions by 2008 and begin
making reductions by 2012.

Between now and when the legislative session ends in September, the
bill must be heard in several committees, starting with the Senate
Environmental Quality committee, as well as by the full Senate and Assembly
before making it to the governor's desk for his signature.

Please take a moment now to ask your state senator and assembly member
to co-author AB 32 today. Then ask your family and friends to do the
same by forwarding this email to them.

To take action, click on this link or paste it into your web browser:


Dan Jacobson
Environment California Legislative Director

P.S. Thanks again for your support. Please feel free to share this
e-mail with your family and friends.


Granny said...

This is another one I think I already did but I just did it again.

Madcap said...

Good heavens! They certainly don't get charged by the line, do they? ;-)

ipodmomma said...

here in the UK nuclear power is once again on the agenda, so that Britain can meet its energy targets...

will be interesitng to see what they decide to do...

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Ann,

Okay, I'm sure that's not a problem, it just means that you really really want this.

Hi Madcap,

I don't think so? At least I hope not!

Hi Ipodmomma,

Every time we have a energy crisis or energy problem some idiot says "well there is alway nucular energy to fall back on!" We're already been down that road before, the problems out-way the benifits of nucular power. Like what do you do with all that nucular waste that is radio active for a few thousand years.

Lady Jan~