Friday, May 05, 2006

Lady Jan's Drip Admitters are in!

My drip admitters are dripping away in each of my baby tomatoes,
and my small potato patch too.

A close up! You can actually see a--drip--in this shot.
It took something like an hour and a half, maybe longer to set these drip admitters up.
I know there is only three, and four counting the one in the small potato patch, but
I had some drip admitters a long while back--but the drip admitters were made different, so I'm learning a new system.

So My first response when looking at all the new tubing, dripping line,
hook ups, and drip admitter themselves was:
I don't remember it looking like that?
What the heck is this one, and what does it do?
So it took me a w-h-i-l-e, as I scratched my head.
S-o-o, I only got a small five foot section done, but that was all I was aiming for anyway.
My daughter and YGF was working at the far end of the garden as I was wrestling with all the tubing and drip admitters. My husband dumped two over sized wheel barrows full of weeds out for them. So they are really making some progress there, but they haven't touch the middle section and that part the girls are calling

"the attack of the killer weed spot!"
Next up?
The getting the squash in there beds.
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megz_mum said...

Wow you have been busy! Looking really good.

ipodmomma said...

amazing!!! those bad toms, getting such plush treatment... :)))

as for your back, have you seen anyone for it? I suffered from a lot of trouble until I was hooked up with an osteopath... very gentle manipulation, like massage therapy. has worked wonders!

will be thinking of you...

Merle said...

Hi Janice ~~ It is good to see someone else enjoying growing vegies. They
taste so much better. My tomatos were
beaut this year, but now I have broad beans, silver beet and onions in, as we
have opposite seasons in the southern
hemisphere. Brr!!
Glad you enjoy the jokes and poems.
Take care, Merle.

Madcap said...

That's quite the elaborate system. Lovely to see another food-gardener.

Granny said...

I learn something new every day.

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Megz_mum,

Thank you.

Hi Ipodmomma,

Heh heh, bad toms need to be caged and tied to a stake, as well as being water tortured. Drip drip!

I went to a chiropractor for five years. So yeah I saw someone.

Hi Merle,

Oh yeah that's right, I keep forgetting that the seasons in Australia are the opposite of California.

I love home grown tomatoes, they have a taste where the store bought just don't. Good luck with your winter/fall garden.

Hi Madcap,

Thank you. It sure beats draging the hose around which I use to do, and maybe crushing an unwarry plant or two. We live in a really dry area so I have to make sure everything has enough water.

I love reading about your garden adventures as well, and it encouraged me to post mine.

Hi Ann,

I do too, and I love to learn but sometimes it can be a little frustrating. But I find that if I take my time, and keep at it I can usually figure it out.
