Saturday, September 23, 2006

Lady Jan's Yard Work Day--and it's Harvest Season!

Hey, I got some new news!

YGF has a boy friend, and we'll call him G here.

G's a sweet kid, and is doing some odd jobs to earn some money, so I invited him and YGF to come over and work in the yard. And my daughter Sarah and I did some of the work also. G mostly mowed and used my weed whacker to whack weeds, and us girls mostly swept up the pine needles that have fallen by the bucket loads from the huge pine tree in our front area out side the fence. Also the are lots of bark that the sycamore trees have dropped off in sheets, and of course the beginnings of fall leaves. It is after all just now autumn in our part of hemisphere.

Thank you everyone on your concern over mine and my daughter's cold--we're still got the sniffles though. I was working late on computer writing on one of my stories, and I was hearing a squeaking noise. It took me a while before I realized that that squeaking was happening everytime I breathed in or out. Apparently the cold has gotten into my lungs and has aggravated my ashma.

Our air quality is real bad at the moment too, because of it being harvest season.

Peaches have already been harvested during the heat of summer and one farmer just down a little ways from my house has quit the peach growing business, and has pulled up every tree! The old peach trees are waiting in huge drying piles to be lit on fire, as soon as the farmer gets the okay to do so.

And it's the end of the grape season too, so the crush season will be ending soon for my husband at the winery. So that may mean my husband will be put on his regular shift soon, and I'll have him snoring in my ear at night before too long.

But the Almond harvest is still in full swing at the moment, and I can still see the activity just down the road from me as they gather the nuts that they shook loose using a machine at night. I think the almonds harvest maybe responsible for a lot of the dust we have in the air right now, because it does cause a lot of dirt to be puffed up in the air with the sweepers(machines) brushing the almonds into piles to be collected by the nut gathering machines.

Cotton will be harvested next, and I know two miles down the road they are still cutting their alfalfa hay, thank goodness I don't live too close to there--I'm allergic to alfalfa!


Cazz said...

Hi Jan,

Glad you & your daughter are feeling alot better. Sure sounds like a busy time over there, its spring here ... and along with spring comes "hay fever", so I have restocked the drug cupboard and am prepared to cough, & sneeze my way through another season !!!

Hope you have a great week end

Cazz said...

Hi Jan,

Me again, I just thought I'd go and check out your sisters blog, but your link is not working, or has she removed her blog ??


Jeanette said...

Hi Janice
Pleased to hear your both feeling a lot better, Hope the wind doenst blow the too much dust and alfalfa
your way take care

willowtree said...

Hey Jan, glad to hear you're back on deck. I feel for you with the harvest, I live in a rural area too.

Anonymous said...

Hello Janice ~~ Glad you are feeling better and it was good to get so much work done in the yard. The BF must be OK to hop in and help, so that's a good sign. You will be glad to have your hubby snoring in your ear again. Take care my friend, Merle.

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Cazz,

Yes we are, but we too have our share of Spring and fall Allergies. There is pollen at both times of the year plus dirt and God know's what else is being pick-up and dirting our air. But at least the wind isn't blowing--yet! They were predicting it, and it did blow a little last week and my eyes got real raw for some reason, so I used my daughter pre-scription allergy eye drops and they cleared up.

I think the reason my sister's link isn't working is that she wrote one, and only one post on her blog, then never wrote again on it. And if you do that the blog disapears after one year.

Hi Jeannette,

Me too! So far the wind isn't blowing very much--so I'm safe for now!

Hi Willow tree,

We are not just rual though, but we also we live in a hundred year old house, and we live in the middle of 80 acers of baby almond orchard that replaced the old rasin vineyard that was here when we first moved in.

And it's awfuly dusty here too.

Hi Merle,

Oh yes, I have been eye balling the yard for a while, but with the heat, and my back, and then my cold, all I could do is wait. Well, until Yesterday anyway, and it look so much better too. But we are only part way done, so I invited the BF G to come back next week and we'll take another stab at it.

I think it'll be another couple of weeks then he'll be back at night snoring away. I never would have thught I would need THAT to sleep at night, but it's also the spooning and just his presence there beside me that I miss the most.

Take care Lady Jan~

Granny said...

Almonds give many people problems I think.

My eyes and Elcie's have been burning all weekend which is why I'm feeling so sleepy.

Anonymous said...

Harvest is really hard on the old cardio-pulmonary plumbing. I've been wheezing like a steam engine. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Ann,

Allergies that make you sleepy affect not just your eyes(I've had that problem too) but they put pressure in your sinues and that places presure just behind the o'l eye socket and it will contribute your sleepiness.

The only cure is time and rest and some good allergy medicen.

Hi Madcap,

You and me both!

Me too, and you also!

Hang in there everbody it'll be cold soon(I hope) and the allergy season will finally pass for a while. and if your don't suffer from allergies--good for you!

Lady Jan~

Tina said...

Peaches, grapes, almonds--wow, what a delicious cornucopia!

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Tina,

I was wondering what had happened to you! Did you know there is a gambling advertisment where your blog use to be?

I hope you are doing well.

Yeah, I guess if you add it all together it be a very good fruit desert.

Lady Jan~