Friday, September 11, 2009

9-11-01 Remembrance

Today for us the US it will be the eighth year anniversary of that terrible day 9-11-01.

We should never forget the ones who died, or the heroism that was born on that day.

Some people found courage, and some people patriotism.

The old red white and blue still carried a lot of weight in this country, and it blossomed and flowed turned our sorrow into our national colors.


Gledwood said...

Hear hear!

Janice Seagraves said...

Thank you, Gled.


Lisa Alexander Griffin said...

Janice, I had just woke up when it happened. Morgan was four. The National News was on. They turned the camera's to the Twin Towers, caught the second plane as it crash. We didn't know for a while what was going on. The towers crumbled and the nightmare worsened. I wondered if the world would ever be the same...and it hasn't. Especially for the ones who lost family, friends, husbands,wives, sisters and brothers.

I honestly think the world changed that day. We've been in a struggle ever since. But we are still a proud nation. And I think, closer to God.

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Lisa,

I think so too. Also after Pearl Harbor. Terrible incidences like that unite us as a people and we stand firm together. Now if our goverment can just get it together we'll be alright.
