Sunday, July 13, 2008

Little better

I'm a little better today.

Yesterday I felt well enough to go to the store and get some stronger medicine. I had been using claritin which usually works for my regular allergies, but this was a real bad allergy attack because of the smoke from the fires that have filled up our valley like a gigantic punch bowl. The pollen count has been especially high and grasses mostly. I have hay fever.

Oh yes, mowing the lawn was a b-a-a-d idea.

But I had too, because no one else was going to do it. Then I ended up with a major allergy and asthma attack and I couldn't breath, sleep, or see (allergy eyes).

SO I decided I need the strong stuff. I bought claritin-D. I had to sign for it and show my ID even though it is an over the counter medicine.

There are these new rules because apparently you can make meth out of it.

Me make meth?

I wouldn't know what the stuff was if you showed it to me.


Bethanne said...

OH! you poor thing! Tonight, after having our windows open all day, my hubby sneezed. He said, huh, havent' done that in a while. about 2 hours later, I sneezed. Weird. coincidence? I think not! I just hope we're not coming down with something. ick. I hate being sick.

Feeling for you and glad you're feeling better. keep slamming the drugs. and water.

Thanks for visiting my blog. you are a true blogger friend. I'm sure I don't deserve you! Have a good week.

megz_mum said...

I am glad you are on the mend - it is hard to avoid smoke and pollen. I am lucky to not have those allergies!

Merle said...

Dear Janice ~~ I am so sorry you have been so sick and glad there is some improvement. I hope you are very soon back to all better again. Thanks for your comment. My wrist is OK a ganglion I think and not in a bad spot, so it will stay there.
Take care, my friend, and get well soon. Love, Merle.

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Bethanne,

I hope you two aren't getting sick too?

I doing much better today, and much more like my old self again.

I'll visit you blog again soon.

Hi Mum,

It's is kind of hard to advoid what we're breathing in, but my daughter got a brilliant idea for us to get air filters. My husband bought two and I have one setting right next to the bed.

It does help.

Hi Merle,

I am much better thank you so much for asking.

I hope your wrist is better, when you mentioned it, it had me worried about you.

You take care too.

Thank you everyone for leaving such kind comments.

Sincerely your Lady Jan~