Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Lady Jan is Spring Dazed and Confused

Today is the first day of spring here in sunny California, and it rained!

And last week it was in the 80's and hot. We were wearing shorts, and my daughter wore them to school with my blessing.

Today I had to fight with my daughter to get her in a light jacket. I told her it's a lot cooler today, and the hottest time of the day will be between 60 and 70 degree.

And it did sprinkle all today, and rained as it got close to sundown. And it made my cats take cover on the porch.

But on my calender it said nothing about today being spring! All it told me was that tomorrow is the spring equinox when the day light hours, and night time hours are the same.

So it is Spring isn't it?

Some where?


Lee said...

It's autumn here but we're still experiencing hot days. Rain is supposed to be on its way so, hopefully, that will cool things down and allow autumn to make its proper entrance.

Jeanette said...

Hi Janice. Were in Autumn now but by the warm weather you would think we were still in summer.

Granny said...

March must have forgotten it's supposed to go out like a lamb.

I fought the girls into jackets too and it sprinkled on them when they walked home. For a short time it rained much harder.

Elcie's bus driver is worried about her almond trees. Hope it wasn't so much to cause them to mold.

And yes, happy spring!!

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Lee,

I hope the rains cool you down soon.

Hi Jeannette,

It's like that here too, summer doesn't want to let go it's firey grip. I hope it cools down for you soon.

Hi Ann,

I think you are right.

It did that here too, then my daugher was glad of the jacket I made her ware.

I think her almond trees should be alright.

Happy er, spring to you too.

Your lady Jan~