Friday, September 09, 2005

Lady Jan's Poem for 9-11

This is in honor of the memory of that terrible day 9-11.
In God's Name
by Lady Jan
Allah--they yelled
ramming our planes into our towers
lost to the flames the building fell
with few survivors.
Oh my God!--we cried
as we watched horrified
trying to save them
many brave people died.
Jesus--thank you that they live
as people walked with feet of lead
dusty tracks of tears they shed
for what they suffered and fled.
Christ almighty!--we did swear
when the smoke then did clear
our stunned senses not prepare
titans once stood--nothing a nightmare.
God--there's more?
We learned--four planes
went out with evil intentions
the pentagon succum to a mutilation!
My God!--What happened?
a field in Pennsylvania was reshaped
ruin of flight 93 over the landscape
passengers and crew--no escape!
Allah--thank you!
prayed HE from a cave in a hill
for helping me to hurt them
where they feel it still.
In God's name we intrust--
flight 93 'loved ones' informed
hero's they were transformed
together the cockpit they stormed
showing us the courage in all of us inborn.

Lady Jan's heart goes out to the ones lives touched or that have been destroyed by the hurricane

I have just glued to the set for the last two weeks with tears coursing down my cheeks. Those poor people!

And I kept asking--where are the supplies for the people left in the supper dome?

We can get aide to people on the other side of the planet in a matter of days! So why oh why did it take a whole five days to get aide to people in our own country?

It should have taken hours not days!

In my humble opinion--The director of Fema is to blame! He was suppose to co-cordinate all the different rescue and emergency divisions. And he just sat on his thumbs? And let people die!

The director of Fema as of today has been relieved of duty, and presidential "yes" men wouldn't denounce him, but said "he(the director) was doing the best job he could do under the circumstances."

Huh? Who are they kidding? I don't think so!