It's the end of crush season!
And the end of Graveyard shift!
At last my husband has been switched to day shift, and he has been home at night for the last week. But he is still adjusting to sleeping during the night.
Usually he goes to bed early like 7 or 8:00 pm, and gets up real early like 4 or 5:00 am.
That's too early for me!
And I am still a night owl even though I have my hubby to curl up with again, and then I sleep late in the morning when I can.
So that means our sleep patterns don't mesh.
And accourding to my husband I am having nightmares too?
I don't recall any?
The other morning, our coversation went something like this;
"Honey, wake-up your having a nightmare."
"Wuz that?"
"You're having a nightmare."
"Hmm? I am?"
"Yes, you've been having one every night this week."
"Hmm? I have?"
"Yes, you're moaning in your sleep. I've been rubbing your back and then put an arm around you, and you stop and go back to sleep."
"Oh, okay," I told him, and then I went back to sleep.
Hi Janice ~ ~ Sorry you are having nightmares ~ or so it seems. I thought you would remember if you had scary ones. Your husband sounds nice and caring. Thank you for your comments, and that yellow rose is just beautiful. It is strange having opposite seasons. We are heading for Summer. The Passing Out Parade is for the young soldiers, finishing their first 3 months of training. I am glad my grandson likes it. I have a variety of tomatos including some cherry ones which are nice in salads, Take care. Love, Merle.
Hi Merle,
Yes it would seem so, but if I am having nightmares I am glad that I'm not remembering them.
My husband has his good points and that is why I keep him around.
We're in fall now and it's cool around 75 degrees today, but it's nice after our long hot summers.
Thank you for telling me about the pass out parade I was kind of wondering if was for being fainting or what?
I love growning tomatoes, my favorites are the yellow pear tomato that a cerry, and the roma, and if I have enough room and good sun I like to grow a brandywine.
Your Lady Jan~
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